The Causes Of Back Pain - How It Can Adversely Affect You

Back pain is a very common and very troublesome symptom that has many possible causes. Because of the grueling time we tend to spend doing things on our computers; we are more likely to be putting undo stress on our backs. Exercise can help, but exercising the wrong way can cause back pain too.

Let's look more closely at these and other typical causes of back pain.

Are you one of those people who sit for a long time without getting up to stretch? It may surprise you to learn that this can lead to backaches and back pain. And the chair may not be the problem, even if it isn't comfortable. Just the fact of sitting - anywhere - can lead to back pain. If you are standing or moving around, there is a lot less pressure on your back than if you are seated. So it's easy to understand why people who sit at a desk all day are more apt to have back problems. There are now companies that produce desks that allow you to stand up if you choose, and then can be lowered so you can work sitting down. Research has proven that your health and well-being will improve if you spend less time sitting. Maybe the thought of working while standing up doesn't appeal to you. If so, at least get up from time to time and move around a bit. Something simple, such as standing up and stretching, or going for a five-minute walk, can make a big difference in the pressure your back is subjected to by sitting too long.

There are also ways your back can result in pain that stem from other aspects in our existence. By now, we've all heard the many ways that smoking is bad for your health, and it can actually contribute to back pain along with all the other risks. That's because smoking is harmful for circulation and even limits the amount of nutrients your organs and bones receive.

Spinal degeneration is greatly affected by this down the road. One reason not well known for back pain is dehydration; because the discs that are the foundation for your vertebrae need to have adequate water to stay nourished. This is an additional page reason to drink plenty of water, especially when you exercise, as your spine, as well as your whole body, needs it to stay healthy.

While old age is not itself the cause of back pain, people are prone to many conditions that cause back problems as they get older. Osteoporosis, more common in women, weakens the bones and makes fractures more likely to occur. Osteoarthritis can result in pain over the entire body, with the spine being the most susceptible.

Degenerative disc disease is caused primarily by the degeneration of our discs as we get older. There are other types of illnesses that are not as familiar that may befall us as we age, that can also result in back ache. Yet you can look these up often prevent or reduce the impact of such problems by getting regular exercise and taking nutritional supplements that support bone health.

With so many causes of back pain, it can be hard for even doctors to diagnose patients in every case. If you pull a muscle chopping wood, for example, or lifting weights, you will know why you have back pain the next morning. Other times, the pain may arrive and the precise cause isn't apparent. Many different situations can lead to back pain. We've Bonuses only addressed a few in this report.

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